Updates from a “Budding’” Industry:  Amendments to the Cannabis Regulations

The finalized Cannabis Regulations come into force on October 17, 2019. These laws regulate the production and sale of three new classes of cannabis products hitting the market: edibles, extracts and topicals.

Starting mid-September, Health Canada will begin to accept applications to grant new product licences. We can expect to see these products on the shelves and online stores by December 16, 2019.

While each province still regulates the cannabis laws within their respective regions, highlighted below are the nationwide standards for the production and sale of these new products:


  • Must be: child resistant and plain.
  • Must not: display cross-branding with alcohol or tobacco products.


  • Must have: standardized cannabis symbol for THC; THC/CBD content; ingredients list; intended use; health warning message; equivalency to 30 grams of dried cannabis to determine public possession limit.
  • Must not: be appealing to kids, make dietary claims, cosmetic claims, or health claims.

Product rules:

  • Edible cannabis
    • Must not have: more than 10 mg of THC per package, added vitamins, nicotine, or alcohol
  • Cannabis extract for ingesting
    • Must not have: more than 10 mg THC per unit, 1000 mg of THC per package, added vitamins, nicotine, caffeine, added sugars, sweeteners, or colours
  • Cannabis extract for inhaling
    • Must not have: more than 1000 mg of THC per package, added vitamins, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, added sugars, sweeteners or colours
  • Cannabis topicals
    • Must not have: more than 1000 mg of THC per package, nicotine or alcohol.


  • All rules surrounding packaging and labelling also apply to promotional materials
  • Cannabis products and food must not be produced, packaged or stored in the same site.



